Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our First Science Experiment

So it was a basic experiment. Which paper towel will soak up more? Here is a big Mommy/Teacher fail. The directions said to buy towels with different print to make it easier for them. Well I did that, but mommy brain won out and I bought a three pack of the same brand, but with different print. *Sigh* So I had to cheat a bit to have one towel soak up more than the other. Same brands tend to soak up the same amount. Geez! Well anyway, they got the gist of the experiment really well. However when it came time for the results. Hypothesis A won and Shane was showboating. Jackson lost his mind in tears. All in all it went well. Maybe.
Letting the towels soak.

Writing down the results. 

Shane's results.
Waiting to see what happens. 
And there we go, one showboating and one sobbing.


Jermaine Walker said...

Hahaha! Aside from using the wrong materials, tampering with the results, and stirring up undue stress that will possibly require years worth of counseling . . . overall a good day for Science.

Andrea said...

I know I know. The scientific community already called to expel me.